
Showing posts from January, 2019

What is Your Awareness Level of The Photo Retoucher?

A little familiarity with the photo retoucher can assist a photo editor immensely. It has proven to be a success for several online post processing firms. The opportunities can be explored in Photoshop with proper knowledge and awareness of its features. A simple photo retoucher or even a slightly more deviant one can be a game changer for any picture. Few professionals are aware of how retouching can transform a composition. A simple product photography shot in a controlled light in the studio can need a photo retoucher. And with the right focus it can prove to be a success story for the client. Photo retoucher in Photoshop has immense possibilities. The end result of digital photo enhancements greatly depends on the choice of techniques and skilled implementation of various features. While the established methods are known to produce impressive results, it is a great thing to opt for new methods. But whatever be the choice, the most important factor that guides the result to...

Understanding The Need of Image Mirror Effect

Ideally there should be no confusion between mirror effect and reflection. But an ordinary client cannot make out the obvious difference. A mirror effect needs understanding so that it can be applied to an image rightfully. Is  mirror effect  anything different from reflection? This is a question many clients are faced with because to some extent they both tend to serve similar purpose. Both these techniques are used to add depth and volume to an image. Once these digital illusions are introduced, the image seems to be having a multiple dimension. Both are as different. A shadow is different from mirror reflection in physical world. This is reason these digital services cannot be used together or can be replaced with one another. Ideally they should be applied to objects with specific objectives in mind. The main point of difference between the two services is that while for reflections, an artificial shadow is used for the image. For  mirror effects , a reflec...

Can Photo Clipping Be Done Without Photoshop?

Every picture looks beautiful now. It is Photoshopped almost each time. But can a photo clipping be done in any other way? Try using QuarkXpress also for a change. And see the results. Most graphic designers and photo editors have used Photoshop for years now. Copy editors, newspaper reports to revise their stories and pictures accompanying the text, generally use QuarkXPress . Media persons using the 7th model of this software are already familiar with the impressive features that it has. This software has the ability to streamline the editing work. Much like what is needed for photo clipping. A smooth finish is what one needs at the end of the road. Picture manipulation and effects can be added later. It is advanced and is ideal for making any kind of change to the picture accompanying the text. There are more than basic tools to edit, thus it is a choice of many designers also who necessarily do not handle do much of clipping with the text. Learn how much does it cost to...