Understanding The Need of Image Mirror Effect

Ideally there should be no confusion between mirror effect and reflection. But an ordinary client cannot make out the obvious difference. A mirror effect needs understanding so that it can be applied to an image rightfully.

Is mirror effect anything different from reflection? This is a question many clients are faced with because to some extent they both tend to serve similar purpose. Both these techniques are used to add depth and volume to an image. Once these digital illusions are introduced, the image seems to be having a multiple dimension. Both are as different. A shadow is different from mirror reflection in physical world. This is reason these digital services cannot be used together or can be replaced with one another. Ideally they should be applied to objects with specific objectives in mind.

The main point of difference between the two services is that while for reflections, an artificial shadow is used for the image. For mirror effects, a reflection for the same objects is created. It is only after one has clear idea about the technique that the creative juices flow. The urge to create something better, has led many clients to choose professional service providers for applying the technique.
Similar to that of drop shadow effect, the basic idea behind mirror effects is that, when ever an object is portrayed against another surface, even if it is a mirror or any other re-electing surface, there is an increase in it visual appeal. Like, for drop shadow effect the object is compared against opaque object which creates a shadow but in mirror effect the reflective substance creates an image. It is wonderful that all these effects can be created with editing software without having to physically introducing mirrors.

Perfection is the first word with which any digital service should ideally start with and perpetually end with the same. In case of image mirror effect, since an image of the object is created there is a need for absolute perfection. Naturalness is very necessary. Though software is implemented to create the image but the contribution of the operator is also vital. Determining the kind of look which is needed for a particular object is an important step towards it. The image should appear as if it has been produced by natural light. Thus, there is a need to control the amount of reflection. Should there be an excess of it, it will mar the appearance.

Learn how to outsource image editing for eCommerce.

Sometimes product images are captured with some reflection. If there is need to improve upon the reflection, mirror effect is the apt choice. The reflection can be enhanced or toned down to create the ideal image.

Finally, no images are suited for mirror effect. This needs a clear vision to judge whether a particular image is suited for the effect. In general sense, mostly small artifacts or portraits are suited for this kind of effect. Landscape is not suited for this kind of effect. Thus, mostly products lists make use of this effect. But when applied to something which is not appropriate, the effect looks unnatural. Thus, even if some images have reflection naturally, it can be removed to cater to the artistic needs. This is a brilliant method of turning even an old photograph new.

Sayedul Mursalin
Photographer and Retoucher at Background Remove helps ecommerce owners and commercial photographers edit their product photos that increase online sells.


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